Sunday, October 16, 2022

Beginning My Day.......

Beginning my day yesterday with a stroll around the garden camera in hand appreciating the abundance surrounding me. Many of the plants have begun to bud up for a second wave of flowering as the weather warms, other plants are still covered with flowers. It is difficult to imagine that eight years ago when I moved here the place was void of life it was a big dusty patch of weeds and dry hard earth. It did take years for the plants to flourish the intensity of the summer months and the rock hard earth made keeping things alive through the summer months a mission. Some perished, those that hung on took years to establish. Now though the plants are all flourishing. 

Life brings life, the bushier the garden gets the more birds come to the garden bringing their songs as they flit around hunting for insects or enjoying the nectar on offer. 

I have always thought of gardens as outside rooms of my homes. Places where private nooks can be created to sit and enjoy the outside of my homes. This garden though is by far my best and most creative. As the trees grow and spread these little nooks are becoming more defined. Walking down through the back garden the cottage is now mostly hidden from view, only glimpses can be seen though through the trees. 

Gratitude is given daily for finding my way here. For the beauty that has been created as the garden grows. Adding to the ambience is the tingling of chimes as they gently offer their music with a gentle push from the wind, placed throughout the garden these melodies can be heard no matter where I am in the garden......



William Kendall said...

These are pretty.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.