Sunday, October 16, 2022

Dragging The Hammock.....

Dragging the hammock out into the garden to swing lazily in the sun and chill out with my chickens was a glorious way to spend a lazy Saturday afternoon.
People might not be aware that chickens are very social birds that like to spend time with their human. The entire time I was lazing in the hammock the chickens stayed close by cooing and purring in contentment.  

Chickens form very deep bonds with each other and I never tire of seeing their intimate moments. Aslan is getting old now and will quite often be found asleep under a tree. Lily in particular is smitten with this handsome boy. I often find the two of them snuggled together. It must get tiring keeping an eye on five wayward girls as they do have a tendency to run off in different directions. Sometimes Aslan stands in the garden calling the girls after he wakes trying to get them to come to him. Sometimes the girls come running, other times he is ignored and has to wander the undergrowth searching for his brood.

There are daily chicken rituals that are done as a family. Sleeping, sunbathing and dustbathing.  I find it relaxing watching them as they go through the dustbathing routine. They burrow into little hollows that they dig in the earth and flip the dust all over them. This keeps the feathers clean and is important to keep them healthy.  Watching my adorable chickens going through their daily ablutions I give prayers to the billions of chickens worldwide who are denied this basic need, locked up in dark cramped sheds in cruel and horrific conditions. My flock is indeed very lucky to have found their way to a loving and nurturing forever home.

As I swung in the warm sunshine I took in the ambience of the garden, many other birds were in the garden a new holland honeyeater and a silvereye landing close enough for photos, bronzewings were also wandering around the garden one eating the remains of oats placed out another perched in a tree watching the goings on. It was very serene. 

It had been too long since I had spent time relaxing with my flock. And as I lay in the warmth of the sun I felt nurtured and grateful for this simple life I lead. Surrounded by nature which not only stimulates my senses but also it gives me clarity for what is really important for living a balance life. Sometimes I do ponder on the disconnection many humans have with the natural world, and cannot fathom living a life void of nature. Sated I eventually got up and pottered around doing other garden tasks that were beckoning me into action.......



William Kendall said...

They are good company.

Gemel said...

They really are.