Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Chicken Proofing......

Chicken proofing the food and flower meadow where the recycled wire had big enough gaps for the chickens to get through was successful. With the plants now growing higher the chickens had found this the perfect snack garden. Not anymore though, a quick test proved the fence now works. Sorry chickens!

 As the flowers steadily bloom they are enticing a plethora of insects. With more blooms unfolding daily this will increase the insect activity too. Some of the insects are extremely tiny. Some I haven't even seen before.  Although mostly undetected by the human nose, the scents of these flowers radiate out into the air drawing in these minute visitors. It is very rewarding to see the flower meadow doing what it was planned for. Drawing in pollinating insects, not just the bees but also all the other winged creatures that also provide pollination. How humbling it is to create a living supermarket for so many....



Sharon said...

It looks like spring is blessing you with lots of colorful flowers.

Gemel said...

It certainly is Sharon.

William Kendall said...

Excellent shots.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.