Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Heading Into The City......

Heading into the city and exploring the river pathways east of the CBD once again, the day was really cold and the wind rather fierce. I was blessed with many good photo opportunities with the birds along the way. The flowering season down here is nearing its end although I still managed some lovely photos of those plants still blooming. There was also a thermal that many of the pelicans were enjoying. How relaxing this looks, gracefully gliding in circles high above the earth.
Since my last walk in this area a flying fox has been erected at the bridge and a group of people were enjoying the swift zip across the river from the bridge to the shore. Definitely something I would consider doing. Looks like a few minutes of  fun as one zooms in the air......



William Kendall said...

Wonderful shots.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.