Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Lake Monger......

Lake Monger a scenic park and wetland reserve around 5 kilometres from Perth city centre was where I found myself yesterday afternoon. Although very picturesque I struggled with the noise from the traffic as well as the stench of car fumes. This somewhat dampened my visit, I am too use to the quiet of the bushlands so dealing with so much traffic noise and pollution was not enjoyable. 

On the lake though life was idyllic for the many water birds spread around the lake.  There were a few water birds I had not seen before, which of course I was thrilled to see. Not a lot of chicks were seen but the purple swamphens tiny chick was a delight to see dashing after mum into the lake. It didn't look very old and I did ponder if it had just hatched. 

I spent quite a bit of time in the hides placed around the lake waiting to see if I may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a turtle, unfortunately none came to the surface. Only three black swans were seen and only one pelican which was flying overhead in lazy circles..... 



William Kendall said...

Quite a beautiful place.

Gemel said...

It is very pretty.