Sunday, October 09, 2022

A Fiery Red.....

A fiery red sun could be seen peeking through the trees as smoke from a nearby fire billowed up into the sky. Helicopters heard flying as they dash across the sky headed to dump water on a controlled burn which got out of hand when the wind suddenly and swiftly changed direction. Smoke on the horizon and falling ash in the garden is never a welcome sight, too often these controlled burns turn into disaster. Thankfully though this morning all is under control and the sky is clear and smoke free......



William Kendall said...

Strange, the beautiful effect smoke can have on the light.

Gemel said...

It is William, fascinating and beautiful as danger lurks.

Sharon said...

That is scary. The same thing happens here. A controlled burn seems like a good idea until the wind changes.

Gemel said...

It is scary Sharon when so close. I wonder if they ever check the expected wind direction before they start?