Thursday, August 18, 2022

Rufus Has Been...

Rufus has been a very poorly boy for several weeks now, so much so that he lost his sparkle and barely moved when I visited. It has been a worry to see him so unwell. 
Today though, I was overjoyed to hear him joyfully barking and dashing up to greet me when I arrived. Whatever was ailing him seems to have passed. 
Today was the first time in several weeks that Rufus had even wanted to go for a car drive and a walk at his favourite place, Zanthorrea Nursery. 
He swiftly brought his lead to me with a let's get moving attitude. 
Seeing him back to his cheeky and bossy self was medicine for my heart.....



Sharon said...

What a cutie!

William Kendall said...

Good that he's feeling better.

Gemel said...

He is a total cutie Sharon.

It is William he was rather unwell.