Sunday, August 14, 2022

Returning To Berry Reserve.......

Returning to Berry Reserve yesterday hoping to beat the rain, which I did manage. The sky so moody as another storm front approached. The sky really created an ominous tension as the anticipation of the rains loomed on the horizon.  The starkness of many a dead tree poised perfectly against the stormy backdrop.
Taking a different path and finally getting the to waterfall I can say that I had many a jaw dropping moment. Being out here completely alone I realised that this is where I feel at home the most. Surrounded by magnificence. 
So many flowers were adding their vibrant colours to the landscape. Actually there were many that I had never seen. There were a few orchids which I was thrilled to see, I will do a post on the flowers that I come across I think, as they are all so special. There are around 406 local species of wildflowers in my surrounding area. Many grow nowhere else in the world. The bushlands here really are amazing. Of the orchids I found many were the yellow winter donkey orchids, a few blue fairy orchids, sometimes referred to as bluebeard orchids. I also saw lemon-scented sun orchids that missed when I passed the same way on Wednesday.
The waterfall was breathtaking and so loud. I sat and watched the water rushing past for the longest time. The mighty presence of the enormous rock being I was sat upon brought a tingling to my body. As I sat I pondered that being here in the wilderness is where I feel seen the most. It is where my heart feels most at home, away from the chaos of the human world with all it's noise and destruction. 
Heading back along one of the paths I noticed a small rock covered in ants and was quite intrigued as to what they were doing. I observed them as they went about their business but even then what they were up to really eluded me. 
Having taken so may photos I have decided to add a second post as I couldn't really leave out any of the images I captured. Each scene to me is so unique, each moment speaking to me profoundly with the beauty before me, I do hope that these walks inspire and touch others as much as they do me.....



William Kendall said...

Lovely waterfall views.

Gemel said...

The waterfall is a natural masterpiece.