Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Garden......

The garden is becoming a flowering oasis as buds and blooms begin to offer and explosion of colour as the cold weather continues and rain has become more frequent. Having a wander around the garden I was delighted to see that more ducks are appearing as they do as the wet weather comes. As I wandered the kitty kids were watching from the safety of the cottage, all refusing to stay out in their enclosure this morning. 
 I was also thrilled to see the return of the red capped parrots shortly after I left the front garden. Given their bright feathers it is amazing how well they camouflage into the foliage. I did note also that they are eating from several plants in the front garden....



William Kendall said...

The cats decided it's best to stay in.

Gemel said...

They do know what they want, bless them.