Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Another Day.....

Another day, another trail to explore!
This track slightly west of my last trek, yet once again the vegetation had varied quite considerably.  There was a lot more balga/grass trees here. They are fascinating plants. The tall spear like flower stalks when dried take on the appearance of spears if straight, yet some of them curl and twist into some wonderfully unique shapes. 
There were so many places to take off up into the bush land, many of which  disappeared behind huge boulders, today though I kept to the main tracks, although as always another day will mean another path to be taken. 
A curious rose chested parrot was watching me as I passed by where it was perched. Again the trees were teeming with smaller birds yet they were mostly too swift for me to capture on film. Their joyous songs along with the wind dancing through the trees lulled me as I ambled along serenaded by Mother Nature herself.
Tall trees, green grass, warm sunshine and the heady aroma of acacia blossoms in the air made for a beautiful and relaxing walk.....



Sharon said...

It looks like a very wild area and a good place to explore.

Gemel said...

It is a beautiful place for exploring.

William Kendall said...

So different from what I'm accustomed to.

Gemel said...

Rather different to Canada I agree.