Friday, July 01, 2022

Arriving Home.......

Arriving home to discover the first of the flowers in my silver princess eucalyptus tree had began to open. The protective caps pop off as the flowers begin to unfold, and the weather conditions just have to be perfect. I actually watch a wave of blooming with all the native flowers each year as it makes its way from the coastal areas, up here to the higher elevations where I reside. It is like a flower wave.

This tree like my pincushion hakeas are my favourites, because with both trees the buds sit for week after week almost teasingly just waiting for that perfect moment to unfold their unique beauty.
This tree has had to deal with the impish rose chested cockatoos biting the flowers off, and for several years never had a single flower survive long enough to fully bloom. 
Last year the cheeky garden helpers bit off nearly all of the flowers, except a couple even before they had a chance to unfold. 
This year, there are plenty of buds waiting to pop and bloom and I am intent on chasing away those naughty little visitors who seem to cause mayhem wherever they land. And they are quite vocal in telling me that they are not impressed with being shooed away.....


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