Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Visitors For Afternoon.....

 Visitors for afternoon wattle seeds enjoying the bounty my garden has to offer them.

The garden is finally producing enough seeds to feed many a hungry flock.

I have seen more red capped parrots down here feeding in the past couple of days but they always fly off before I can get a photo.
These pink and grey galah's  were really enjoying the crunchy seeds, there was a corella cockatoo in the tree as well, however that let out an almighty squawk that a human was approaching and they all took off.

To have nature in harmony in my garden is so absolutely precious and so extraordinarily humbling, many of the smaller birds are now so use to my presence in their domain that they often don't fly away, in fact when I am watering the back garden in particular I often get a visit from a family or three waiting for me to make a fine spray with the hose so they can have a much needed bath on a hot day.

The beauty of Mother Nature is right here in my garden, and much gratitude for my ability to see what a gift I have.......


Sharon said...

You are so lucky to have such colorful birds visiting your garden.

William Kendall said...

They are very good company.

Gemel said...

Thank you Sharon, yes feel very lucky to have so many feathered friends come to the garden.

They are noisy company William and always give me something to distract me when out in the garden.