Friday, November 29, 2019

Charlie Was....

 Charlie was interrupted from a peaceful catnap yesterday morning by me surrounding him with cushions as I was on a mission of clearing the cottages energy.

As is my habit a good clean of the house means that everything that is not nailed down is moved.
With the house in a rather chaotic state while I moved things around Charlie did come reluctantly out  from the fortress of cushions to see what was going on.

 Miss Bear and Nala were investigating the shifting stuff in the piles placed out of the way so I could move the daybed.
Charlie discovered the vacuum and gave me the look of "oh on not this again!"

Having such a tiny home, four rooms in total and no storage cupboards I need to keep things fairly ordered.
Coming from a much larger house I have already shed so much as it simply did not fit in the cottage.
Once again boxes of "stuff" made their way to the car.
Being really mindful of what I actually need and what is simply dust collectors.

Gone is the room which once had many floor to ceiling bookcases filled with books I had collected over the years, also gone is the television I had to watch DVD's as well as all the DVD's I had collected over the years.
Shedding the old so that I may grow, clearing the space so that new energies may enter.

Shifting the energy in the cottage is something that I am constantly doing, and the more I discover about myself and the more dedicated I am to my own unique path in life, the less material stuff I require.

I do love the quirky space I have created with my nothing matches way of decorating, but to me it really feels that everything just works, and there is no one else I have to consider about my decorating taste.
Less is definitely more in this small home. 

As the dreaded vacuum machine came out, three little cats headed to hide under the safety of the bed until it was safe to come out and snuggle in their favourite napping places once again...... 


William Kendall said...

They were glad when all that was over.

Gemel said...

They certainly were.