Saturday, November 02, 2019

Returning Home....

 Returning home with this little cabinet yesterday gave the kitty kids a new thing to explore and smell, it also prompted me to move everything around as I do in the cottage from time to time, shaking up the stagnate energy and giving the cottage a new look.

It took several hours of chaos before I settled to enjoy the new look and I also got a quote to fix the broken window in the red room and hoping to finally get that done soon.

The kitty kids had hours of fun getting into mischief as all the books and furniture were in piles around the house, I think that they actually enjoy the reinvention of the cottage as much I like creating it.

Loving the new look.....


William Kendall said...

Of course sniffing of the new addition must be done.

Gemel said...

Of course it does, that includes sniffing humans new to their home too.