Friday, November 01, 2019

Finding A.....

Finding a large piece of fleece fabric in charity shop I scooped it up and home I went with a project in mind.
Mindful of the continued waste modern society has with it's throw away attitude I proceeded to cut the entire piece into small squares to replace the use of paper towels.
For a mere six dollars I was able to get 56 squares out of the piece of material.
With the planet in crisis and rubbish becoming a major problem it is the little changes that make the biggest difference.
Also experimented with creating some beeswax food wraps to replace the use of plastic wrap in my home as well, not that I use a lot of the stuff anyway, I have had the same roll for well over a year, but want to stop having it in the house completely.

The ancient Egyptians were the first to use beeswax food wraps way back in the seventh century, they too were the first it appears to keep bee hives for the harvesting of honey and beeswax, one of the uses for the wax was indeed for food wraps.

The old ways do need to be rekindled and us humans do need to make conscious steps however little they may be to leave as little impact on the planet as possible.

I have heard the excuses of I am too busy, I don't have the time.
Maybe spend less time watching the television or scrolling through your phone, we need to remember without the planet we would not be here and washing a few pieces of fabric each week instead of throwing away copious amounts of paper seems reasonable to me......


luksky said...

What a great idea! I'm a big thrifter and hate waste also.

William Kendall said...

Quite resourceful.

Gemel said...

Thanks Laura, I had seen the same in a local shop, however they were charging a fortune for them, a pair of scissors and a 6 dollar piece of fabric made better sense so I made my own.

Thanks William, I thought it was a resourceful kind of idea too.