Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Day Three.....

 Day three and little Gaia is getting a wee bit more adventurous, staying out from underneath mum a bit more.

I am completely amazed at how loving my chicken family is to Gaia, with her making her appearance into the world during the night I realised that all the stress most chicken owners put themselves under when a hen goes broody is unnecessary, thinking that moving the hen and her eggs is the only way to make sure the chicks survive. I had been told to move her as the other chickens would harm or hurt the baby, however I decided that chickens have been raising chicks naturally without the interference of humans for longer than chickens have been used for nothing more than a production line of eggs and meat.

My chickens have a life of safety and harmony, unlike the billions that are never able to live a free and happy life.

Any animal that comes into my care is loved and honoured for their entire life for I see the soul within and I see the family bonds they have.
I have been criticised over the years for eating a meat/egg/dairy free diet by those that consume these products. 
In fact sometimes the hostility from these people who fail to understand my reasoning for not wishing to consume the body of another can be rather traumatic.

Unlike some vegan and vegetarians I am not an activist, I simply cannot eat these products because I cannot conceive of having a life taken so that I may eat.
Having the capacity to view the private lives of not only my chickens but all other birds that enter my garden I have a perfect opportunity to see how all of these creatures have strong family bonds and display love to their young just as us humans do.

The main problem with our modern culture and the supermarkets is the detachment from the animals they consume, chickens especially are treated so dreadfully and in the mass production lines little chicks like Gaia are often ground up live to create god knows what for humans to eat. Hens in the mass production lines never see the sun they never have their basic needs met, instead they are kept in horrendous conditions until they are no longer of any use.

My humble wish is for more people to view chickens and all other animals as more than a food source, to see that they have families and that should be treated with dignity and respect.

Before we became the plague of the planet, humans were respectful of nature and only hunted for what they really required.
Now though many of the animals slaughtered for human consumption don't even get eaten, supermarkets throw out copious amounts of animal products that go off and therefore these lives where taken for nothing.
I have some friends who I respect as they will only eat meat that they source themselves by going out to hunt. 
Sounds weird for a plant eater to say? 
Guess it does, but they only take one at a time, they also honour the animal and make sure the taking of the life is instantaneous, there is no suffering. 
The animal has lived a happy life until that last moment.

Humans have become so unconscious, the disconnection from nature is the curse of modern society, every life form is here for a reason and they all have a part to play in maintaining the balance of the earth, and they all have the basic right to live a full and happy life........


William Kendall said...

Very well said.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.