Saturday, November 09, 2019

A Morning Meander......

 A morning meander around the garden........


Sharon said...

Lots of wildlife to admire.

William Kendall said...

Lots of bird company around.

Gemel said...

Thank you there is a lot of bird company around my garden, going to try to get some photos of all the little birds that live here, they are quiet difficult to photograph as they never stay put long enough.

Just Jood said...

You have a beautiful garden, Gemel. I miss the New Holland honeyeaters we had in my previous garden. There was a huge Kings Park bottlebrush growing in my back garden and I had a bird bath under it. The New Hollands would use a low branch as a springboard and dive in and out, shake themselves dry, and go in again time after time. I enjoyed watching them. Sadly, with high density housing, there isn't the habitat for shy little birds.

Gemel said...

Thank you Just Jood, I really love what I have created. It has taken such a long time, but suddenly everything is thriving and growing. The new Holland honey eaters are hilarious to watch, I spent a lot of time just sitting and watching them. I do hope one day to open my garden up so that people can come for nature healing, not sure how that will all come about but that is the plan. I want people to wake up to what nature can give them, so many are shut off these days.

High density housing in Perth is a real concern, which is why I have done what I have done in planting a garden for the birds.