Friday, November 29, 2019

My Daughter In-law

My daughter in-law captured this discovery perfectly, it is not the blue banded bee she first thought it was,but rather another species of native bee.
Already after only a few months of transforming their back garden into a mini native retreat for the local wildlife in their area they are seeing an huge array of insects and birds come into their garden.
Like me they are forever outside, tending to the plants and simply enjoying the abundance of life that is visiting each day, content to sit and watch the wonder of creation.
Miracles abound in each moment of our lives if only we are awake enough to see.
We have to relearn to live in the moment to see the miraculous in nature if we are truly to live an inspiring and balanced human life.....


William Kendall said...

A terrific macro.

Gemel said...

Isn't it, perfectly photographed.