Thursday, November 07, 2019

Visiting Coal Dam Park.....

 Visiting Coal Dam Park and discovering some tiny blue flowers which I had not seen before, and I am still trying to identify them.

A family of coots were busy feeding their chicks, I also spotted another nesting mother who gave a shout as I approached, not that I could get near her in any case, but it pays to be careful.
The chicks have a rather zany appearance compared to the parents.

A few more flowers, ducks and a young purple swamp-hen who was a tad distraught at being separated from it's mother and was frantically running along the shore line.

A lovely sunny day made the stroll around the park just perfect.......


William Kendall said...

Very serene.

Gemel said...

It is really very peaceful here, even though it is close to a very busy road.