Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Suburban Surprise.....

 A suburban surprise which lifted my heart.

I had never even of heard of this place, Kent Street Weir until recently.
Deciding to go for a look I did not expect this beautiful natural oasis so close to civilisation. 
Unfortunately the bridge for crossing the river was under repair, which I was really annoyed about as just wanted to explore as much of this place as I could, instead I settled for a short explore along the rivers edge and walkways into the swamp itself.

Unlike my visit to the Swan River the other day, the Canning River was teeming with life, birds were in trees, on the water, a lone crow on a picnic table cawing at a hat was really quite funny, plus there were a variety of birds zooming overhead as they chased insects.

Didn't see any tiger snakes though which I am sort of glad about, don't really want a chance meeting with one of those and getting too up close and personal, if bitten one needs to get to the hospital fairly pronto.

Loved discovering a little free library box, I am noticing a few of these around, a really great idea, and each one I have seen has been decorated differently.........


William Kendall said...

Beautiful photographs!

Gemel said...

Thank you William. The new camera is proving a great buy.