Monday, November 18, 2019

A Walk..........

 A brief walk along the foreshore of South Perth before the heat of the day set in.

Stepping out of the car I was greeted by a cheeky Willie Wagtail (the most well-known of Australia's fantails) it was resting on a post as if to greet me before heading off to harass a young crow who seemed in search of a fresh drink of water.
It continues to dive bomb the crow for quite awhile even after the crow attempted to get some peace by flying off.
Persistent little guy!
Interested more in a group of trees which seemed to entice me to explore than the foreshore it'self, and I was delighted to find a path that wove through the paperbark trees and miniature swamp area that has been nurtured here..
There are several photos with birds well camouflaged as they hunted for insects to eat, see if you can find them.

The river seemed to lack the lustre of life, the water a muddy brown, barely any birds, four black swans did swim into my very distant view, but to faraway to get a decent photo, other than that not much sign of life on or around the river.

Sitting to watch the flow of the river was immediately relaxing, the appearance of a surf cat skimming silently across the river, and one lone black swan making the scene complete......... 


William Kendall said...

Very pretty birds!

Gemel said...

Glad you enjoyed them.