Saturday, November 02, 2019

Another Fur Person....

Another fur person I visit each week was very upset yesterday that I had gone to the shop for his owner not taken him with me.

He is captured here looking very unhappy snuggling next to my bag and cardigan not happy with my disappearance from his home.

Getting in the door each time I visit is quite the experience as he gets so excited he doesn't know what to do with himself, wagging his tail, barking, jumping up for cuddles and dare I say smiling with joy and happiness of my arrival.

Seeing the absolute joy and love that my weekly visits prompts in this precious boy is always a highlight of my working week.

Our animal companions always show us their true feelings, I know that with my own fur babies if they don't like someone they will not come out to say hello, and in all instances those who they chose to ignore always prove to be humans that are not of my kind, to know that this beloved pup loves my company so much that each time I have to sit and have big cuddles before I can begin assisting his owner is a beautiful experience.

Animals show us love in the purest form, no agendas, no expectations, simply joy, happiness and love.....


William Kendall said...

What a sweetie.

Gemel said...

He is that to be sure.