Thursday, April 06, 2023

The Nannafesto...

The Nannafesto is a group of seven grandmothers here in Western Australia who were frustrated with the continued logging and destruction of native forests, they have been dubbed the magnificent seven after their first blockade in the Southwest. They certainly gave the loggers something to think about as seeing grandmothers (some in their 80's) setting up a protest barricade instead of a younger more extreme crowd of protestors.
Their aim is for the government to immediately protect all forests, and to move the need for timber into farm plantations instead. They also want to make sure that there is something left for their grandchildren left to enjoy. 
These crafty nannas use their arty skills to place displays like this one I happened across with a copy of the Nannafesto to bring awareness to more people here in the West of the devastation that is destroying the forests and eco systems. 
This is causing extinction of many unique species of animals and insect life as well as the many rare plant species that are being destroyed...



William Kendall said...

Good for them.

Gemel said...

They are very inspiring.