Sunday, April 02, 2023

As If On Cue...

As if on cue after the first thorough drenching rains the garden has instantly awoken, flower buds are unfolding, colour once again returning. With the flowers come the insects and the honeyeaters who mostly migrate elsewhere over the summer. There is also a pattern to the flowering, and each native flower attracts specific birds and insects. It really is wondrous.
New life is sprouting from seeds dispersed by the wind and helpful birds. 
Autumn here down under is like the spring in the northern hemisphere, as it leads us into the lush winter months where the everything is green and abundant. It is these months which I enjoy the most, I find the rain and chilly winds invigorating and reviving. It is a time where hours zoom by when out in the garden as I get distracted by the comings and goings of wildlife, lost in observing the miracle of life.

Today for instance I noticed a tiny spider who has made its home in a small seed pod which has dried on the tree. A reminder of how life really is everywhere, I always check for nests when out pruning the plants, but having seen this amazing little spider I will be more mindful of checking for more than just the obvious nests...



William Kendall said...

Terrific close ups.

Gemel said...

Thank you.