Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Magnificent Hakea Laurina...

The magnificent Hakea Laurina in all her glory is certainly a sight to behold, the flowers unlike any others I have ever seen. 
Their flowering is a highlight each year for me in the garden, the scale like coverings on the bracts are slow to open, yet when they do it still takes a few days for the flowers to bloom fully. 
Bees disappear completely from view as they burrow in deeply in search of nectar. 
Their scent too subtle for the human nose to detect, the insects, butterflies and birds however are drawn to its delicate bouquet.
The flowers draw me in to admire them each year, I am endlessly fascinated by these otherworldly blooms and spend many hours appreciating the beauty they gift to my garden.
A native to Western Australia known as kodjet by the Noongar peoples, the plant has become popular in Italy and the US used as street trees or hedges for the wow factor they offer when in full bloom...



William Kendall said...


Gemel said...

They are very beautiful blooms.