Saturday, April 01, 2023

My Morning Welcoming Flock...

My morning welcoming flock were patiently waiting for me to release the chickens this morning, they are always hopeful of a bit of breakfast. Now that the weather is cooler, I have backed off from feeding them too much. I don't like the new fledglings to become reliant on meeting their daily food quota by regular feeding here, they need to go off and forage.

Some of the older birds are now quite comfortable with me getting close to them as they perch around the garden. Some seemed to pose for their portraits. These birds really are stunning, and I feel very privileged to have them spend so much time in the garden. They live for 40 years The males have brown eyes; the females have pink eyes.

Although they are beautiful to look at, they can be destructive in the garden when the flock is in a boisterous mood... 



William Kendall said...

Quite a crowd you have there.

Gemel said...

It is very busy in the morning.