Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Interrupting Some Slugs...

Interrupting some slugs that were gathered around the mushrooms in the garden yesterday morning I stopped to watch what they were up to. 
It seems that they were nibbling on the fungi and leaving a shimmering trail in as they went. I don't harm slugs as they have their role to play in the cycle of life. 
They can be frustrating in the garden when vegetables are growing, then again so can many of the other visitors to the garden, as well as my chickens. 
Slugs are actually useful in the garden as they eat decaying vegetation and animal faeces. 
The thing I find most fascinating about slugs is that their slime is unique to each individual, it is like our fingerprints. 
Not only does it help them glide along the ground, but it also helps them to navigate their way home...



William Kendall said...

Peculiar creatures.

Gemel said...

Yes, but fascinating too.