Sunday, September 13, 2020

Getting The Chicks......

Getting the chicks outside safely without being in the open was solved yesterday when I thought of placing them in the cat enclosure.
Being so tiny bantam chicks are half the size standard chicks and their tininess is a bit of a concern until they get a bit bigger and more independent so they can free range with their mother and the rest of the flock.
Convalescing in the sun nearby I kept a watchful eye on them even though I didn't think a large bird would attack them here.
Thinking cat enclosure is a very safe option for them to get some sun on their feathers, meet the rest of the flock and to finally dig around in the soil and grass.
Nova was super excited getting out of the confines of the box where I have them safely tucked away, she was absolutely joyous having her first dust bath in nearly a month.
Nova set about digging up worms and bugs for her brood until a call of a predator being near was heard, heeded immediately, the chicks running for cover as the call went out. 
It doesn't matter which species of bird makes the call of an approaching threat in the sky, all the birds, chickens and ducks respond ducking for cover until the all clear call has signalled the threat is over.
The rest of the flock came to checkout the new arrivals, dad Aslan was cooing to his tiny offspring, the other hens were very curious as well.
Being out in the open you can see how small these little beings are hidden by the grass as they explored the wonders of outdoor life.
The oldest is a week old today, precious little miracles that will hopefully all be hens so I don't have to go through the trauma of rehoming another rooster........


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