Friday, September 11, 2020

Enjoying The Serenity......

Enjoying the serenity of my garden today as the first warmed day graced us with it's gift of spring sunshine.
Standing in the garden gazing back at the cottage I felt a deep sense of inner peace.
The garden has a real zen quality to it, so peaceful and nourishing, standing in the afternoon sunshine listening to the songs of the birds, watching the chickens, hearing to bees happily buzzing I felt so alive and connected to all that surrounded me.
Blooms are now opening on my wisteria which is also a sure sign that spring is with us once again, each year I look forward to the wisteria flowering, such beautiful flowers with a very delicate perfume that I always stop to appreciate.
Two pink and grey galahs were keeping an eye on me as I checked on Nova and the babies, very cheeky birds to have in the garden, although they do cause a bit of damage to the plants when they are playing about and unfortunately I do sometimes have to wave them on their way. 
I have so many places where I can sit and enjoy the ambience of the back garden now, spoilt for choice really as each little nook gives me a different perspective of the garden and as always hours pass by as I stop and just be enjoying this haven I have nurtured to life......


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

The galahs have a whimsical look to them.