Monday, November 25, 2019

Pleased To Introduce.....

Pleased to introduce little Gaia.

Miss Opal is helping with the mothering tasks, Gaia likes to hide underneath her rump. 
Both Opal and Pearl are frequently snuggling up with mother and baby and spending a lot of the day just being with the new arrival, it is a blessing to see how nurturing and family centred chickens are if given a safe and happy environment to live in.

Having cleaned out the nesting box finally after three weeks I was delighted to see Gaia up and about coming out to see this new world she (I hope she is a she) has arrived in.
Brulee is a very protective mother and looks a tad grumpy with me hovering about wanting to glimpse her baby as often as I am able.

Expect a lot more baby photos.........


The Padre said...

Too Cute

William Kendall said...

Quite sweet.