Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Most Amazing Moment......

 A most amazing moment this morning whilst I was watering the garden in preparation of a 38 degree day of sweltering heat.
A family of Carnaby Black Cockatoos came to the garden, this was the first time I have any enter the garden as close as this  other times they have always just come to eat the Cape Lilac tree fruit at the back of the garden, this is the first time they have come close to the house.

The species is Endangered as their habitat is destroyed for new housing and there is now a active conservation plan in place to protect those left and help their survival.
Two juveniles came to drink in the bird baths in the garden while the rest of the flock waited elsewhere in neighbouring trees.   

  These majestic birds use to fly in huge flocks, the spectacle was always something that made me pause to watch as they flew overhead always chattering as they flew, sadly such sights are now rarely seen. 
This family was really small and a sad indication of what humanity is doing to the planet by the constant need to bulldoze the once beautiful and lush bush-lands into a sea of concrete boxes.

My goal to create a little bird sanctuary to ensure that local bird life has somewhere to come to feed and to nest is really taking shape, especially with the arrival of these cockatoos. 

It may not be enough to save them all, but with each new species of birds who enter my garden I am getting confirmation that I am doing something right.......


William Kendall said...

Very pretty.

Gemel said...

They are aren't they.