Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Day....

 A day of exploring Yanchep Lagoon.

A sweltering 36 degrees and the vision before me was so inviting that I could not wait to dive into the clear calm waters.
To get my feet in the water and wade away the stresses of life was a strong and cleansing medicine.
The rocky boulders at the shore line use to be part of the reef until the waters receded leaving them exposed.
Starfish and sparkling clear water was so invigorating and healing. 

Enjoy your walk and I trust the relaxing healing energy of the water seeps thorough as you look at the photos.


Unknown said...

What an amazing day. So tranquil and good for the soul. I need a day out like this. Glad you got to unwind and have such calming day. Love you heaps xxxxx

luksky said...

How beautiful!

William Kendall said...

What a beautiful place!

Sharon said...

Nothing beats a day at the beach. Wonderful photos.

Gemel said...

Thank you Laura, Sharon and William.
To unknown thank you, who are you???