Sunday, February 09, 2020

With The Weather.....

 With the weather cooling down enough yesterday to work out in the garden I focused my attention on titivating the front garden.
There was a covering of dried leaves all over the paths which were raked and the natural archways I have nurtured the trees into creating trimmed so that I can easily walk underneath them.
With the heat of the past few months I had not been out in the garden for an entire day of gardening as by mid morning the heat had chased me inside to escape from the sun's intensity.
Sitting in the garden with some friends who called in to help me prune one of the larger trees we acknowledged what a shady secret haven I had created.
The little sitting nooks I have scattered around drew one of my friends to recall the state of this garden when I first moved in.
He recalled how dead the garden was, there was no life and what plants that were in the garden were diseased or dead.
Now the garden is a beautiful relaxing place to retreat to for a while, to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee while watching the tiny birds that live in the bushes and trees.
The fairy garden needs to be tended as the chickens have decided to do a bit of  rearranging of things while digging for food or having a dust bath, not particularly helpful, but at least they keep all garden pests down with their scratching.
The grandmother of my garden is my massive jarrah tree who stands at the end of the front garden, she towers above the house and gives off a vibration of calm and protection to this part of the garden offering a shady haven for many of the birds who come to feed here as well as a place for quiet reflection for me to sit in stillness and be surrounded by the magic of life......


Just Jood said...

Such a beautiful and peaceful retreat. I could sit for hours in your garden, too. Judith

William Kendall said...

A lovely space to spend time in.