Sunday, February 23, 2020

Driving Past....

 Driving past Lake Monger to see the largest group of Pelicans I had ever seen.
Spilt into two groups the sight of the pelicans drew me to park up and watch this spectacle unfortunately by the time I had parked the car they had moved into the middle of the lake.
Splitting into two groups they continued to move slowly further to the other side of the lake. 
They didn't seem to be feeding so wondered whether it was some sort of mating ritual, whatever the reason for this gathering it was mesmerising to watch.
Other water birds were closer to the shore line, a few ducks and once again a lone black swan.
The swan was quite a friendly little character and stayed close enough to be admired as it stood within touching distance until it gracefully swam out onto the lake......


William Kendall said...

Quite photogenic.

Gemel said...

Thanks William.