Tuesday, February 18, 2020

One Of The....

One of the most delicate blooms that is currently flowering in my garden, the droplets of water clinging to the petals after the mornings watering giving it a rather mystical appearance. 
Nothing relaxes my soul more than being in the realm of nature, especially my own garden realm of wonder, each flower so unique as they unfold to brighten up the garden with their gentle beauty as their distinctive perfumes fill the air inviting the birds and insects to feed on their nectar and pollen.

Mother Nature is a gift that is often overlooked in these times where the technical advancements are constantly changing how humans live, the disconnection with the natural realms ignored by those who are addicted to the false world of the internet they do not see the power and healing the natural world offers freely to all.
Gone is the respect for the natural world, children are growing up addicted to devices, few walk barefoot on the grass and  the constant worldwide destruction of our planet doesn't hold the concern it should to millions of human robots who walk this planet without a second thought to where they live. 
How much longer can our Earth Mother continue to be blown up for mining, how much longer can her forests be destroyed? Her animals eradicated as so called progress continues to rape her?

Stop for a moment throughout your day to take a time to sit and to see what is truly miraculous and amazing, this astounding planet we call home......


William Kendall said...

Very pretty!

Gemel said...

Yes, it is, such a delicate flower.