Monday, February 03, 2020

A Quenda Has.....

A Quenda has made it's home somewhere in the front garden, I have only seen it the once some weeks ago now but, having found some Quenda poop on the paving slabs I know that the little marsupial is still around.

How absolutely thrilling..

I have added a couple of photos below of what a Quenda looks like so you all know what I am talking about.

My mini native bird sanctuary now is also attracting marsupials too, what an absolute gift to receive, I really do feel such a deep sense of gratitude for having such a life blessed garden.

Quenda's don't climb so there will be a nest somewhere in the garden, I have seen the cone shaped holes around the front garden which is one of the signs you have a Quenda close by.

They are really good for the garden as they love to dig, they aerate the soil and of course their droppings will also break down and feed the garden.
Such a helpful new garden resident.

Quenda's are a sub species of the Southern Brown Bandicoot and are currently under the status of threatened, they are about the size of a rabbit, some people still confuse them for rats, however they have a sort of hopping gait so not sure how they could be taken as being a rat.

They can become very friendly once they get to know you so I shall keep some Quenda friendly treats in the house for my newest and dare I say cutest new addition to the garden.......


Sharon said...

It sounds like this little fellow is a good thing to have around.

William Kendall said...

A neat looking critter.