Saturday, February 15, 2020

Little Mog...

 Little Mog is finally settling down to his two week stay at the cottage, Charlie is the most inquisitive of my three and the one happy enough to go in and meet Mog without any hissing or aggression.
Mog doesn't have any interaction with other cats, living with his two dog brothers he is comfortable with meeting new dogs, yet cats are another thing altogether.

Charlie is coming in with me several times a day to have a play and do some nose sniffing as he gets to interact with little Mog, Miss Bear and Nala are not as brave and prefer to stay on the other side of the door..
Mog seems content to watch Charlie as he does his Charlie thing, playing and being the comical little cat he is, Mog has yet to join in on the games but is happy to watch Charlie as he frolics about, playing with imaginary things or with Mog's brush which holds a particular fascination.

Today I will let Mog into the rest of the cottage to have an explore and hopefully to sit at the doors to watch the garden and the birds and maybe Bear and Nala will loosen up a bit and spend some time playing with Mog too......


William Kendall said...

These are wonderful shots of the two of them!

Gemel said...

Thank you William.