Saturday, February 01, 2020

A Curious Fledgling Long Billed Corella......

A curious fledgling long billed  Corella who was very interested in my appearance under the tree it was resting in with it's family yesterday when I was out walking.

There is always so much to see when out in nature, my walks whether in the suburbs while at work or exploring natural places on the weekends usually find me stopping along the way when I see something that gets my attention, and everything natural grabs my attention.

Stopping to smell flowers or to simply touch them is something I always do, I also acknowledge the miracle of trees, as each tree is born from a single tiny seed, and yet some of the ancient trees I have come across are so incredibly tall and so very strong. Their gentle presence radiates out from them as they stand proudly providing homes and food for an array of creatures.
Life that surrounds us is so miraculous, whether it is an animal, bird or plant life I am fascinated by them all especially cheeky little birds whose curiosity gives them time to stop and look at a humans presence below them........


William Kendall said...

A handy perch!

Gemel said...

A perfect place for watching the world.