Saturday, February 08, 2020

Two Little.....

 Two little fur people who greet me at the door each time I visit their owner make it a struggle to get in the house, so excited they are to see me arrive on my twice weekly visits to their home, waiting at the door as I walk up the path I can see them there waiting for me as my car enters the driveway.

Their owner tells me that several minutes before my car drives up the road both of them head to the door knowing that I am nearly there.
Miki the dog is a squirming bundle of joy who can't get close enough to me once I finally enter their hone.
Happily keeping as close as he can he wriggles under my legs or lays on my feet just needing to be close.
Soxie the cat purrs and demands tummy rubs and attention often pushing Miki out of the way wanting my focus completely on him much to Miki's annoyance.

The look that comes over Miki when he knows it is time for me to leave is sad to see, his eyes telling me he is not happy about my impending departure.

The love of animals whether my own or those I visit is such a precious gift.
Animals know instinctively who has an open heart and can instantly sense whether or not you are a good and kind person and whether you see them for the beautiful souls they are.

Blessings come in many ways, for me the gift of connecting to all the animals I get to meet along the journey of my life are what makes my heart full of the purest kind of love there is, unconditional love.......

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

You wonder how animals know when someone's coming.