Sunday, February 09, 2020

Maple and Lily....

 Maple and Lily taking a few moments to relax in the garden chilling out on one of the wooden chairs which is hidden by foliage in the back of the garden and can't be seen now from anywhere else in the garden or from the house, it's a perfect place for a rest.
The girls all like to hop up on this bench, it tends to be a favourite preening place for all of the hens, Aslan does't tend to get up on the chair as much, he prefers to stand guard on the ground forever vigilant in protecting his girls clucking and purring to them in his gentle rooster way.
Such happy lives these chickens lead and such personality they bring to the garden with their quirky chicken ways and the antics they get up to.

I find it difficult to imagine ever having a garden without chickens sharing it.....

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

They look like they enjoy it.