Saturday, January 25, 2020

With 2020......

 With 2020 beginning with me dealing with a serious health issue which is taking time to diagnose I am needing to rest quite a lot as my body deals with whatever is going on, Charlie has taken to coming to relax with me when I have no energy left, his gentle presence bringing comfort just by simply being there with me completely relaxed and snoozing away next to me.

As this year begins it is not just me who has found themselves with a serious health issue to contend with, two family members and one of my closest friends are also dealing with serious illnesses as this year begins.

As I ponder how fragile our human lives are, and how plans can quickly be changed when our bodies become unbalanced and illness comes to call I realise the importance of every precious moment we have.

Sitting with two friends the other day we discussed how insignificant we really are in the grand scheme of life, if we had a camera aimed directly at us and it then zoomed out into the stars and beyond we are nothing but a tiny speck in this vast Universe.

Yet at the same time we are all aspects of the Divine/All That Is/The Universe/God so each life form on the planet is a rare beauty that is interconnected with the dance of life and a part of it's universal heart.

For me this human life has had it's fill of hardship and struggles, I have found the most difficult of lessons brought me the biggest gifts, those that harm or target me with their hatred and anger actually are giving me the greatest gifts of all.

Since I have moved to this quirky cottage of mine nestled in the small bird sanctuary I have created I have finally found my way back to my own unique path, one that was taken from me as a child and this has helped me deal with the challenges I face personally and as a family and as a friend.

It has been the garden who has reminded me the about the sacredness of life, of the magic that modern human societies lack as the disconnection with nature keeps their hearts closed.
It has allowed me to remember what was taken from me as child and how the shutting down of my soul as an innocent child took me on the course in life that was not always pretty and perhaps was not the path I was meant to walk, yet without all of the chapters my life has had I would not have found my way back to me.
Each moment we are recreating the ever changing Now, each moment we have the ability to respond to whatever situation is presented to us with a loving and open heart.
We need to choose to respond from a place of love, and to learn not to take on someone else's story of us.

As I wait to see what the next chapter in my life holds I sit in humbled gratitude for being here right now and for finding my way back to what was taken from me as a child all those years ago...


William Kendall said...

He's very good company under such circumstances.

Gemel said...

He is the perfect company.