Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Little Tour.........

 A little tour of my son's mini oasis of natural calm.
With a few different varieties of native Australian plants in his garden that I don't have it is always a highlight of my visit to see what is happening in his garden.
This garden has a different micro-climate to my garden things happened here faster than it does at the cottage.
There are oranges on his tree where mine has none, his resident orb spiders were out and about, as yet I have not seen any in their usual haunts at my place.
His fabulous grevillea was blooming, as were the kangaroo paws, again way up over the hills and far away mine are not currently flowering.
His lemon scented myrtle is thriving and has the most delicate flowers covering her, the lemon scented myrtle is one plant I will be adding to the garden when autumn comes this year.

As always a very restful and relaxing visit enjoying my two favourite things in life, my son and his garden.....


William Kendall said...

Quite a spider too.

Gemel said...

They rather large spiders, but thankfully they keep to the outdoors.