Friday, January 17, 2020


"Here in the now I am hearing the now, as I listen, and I listen
To the sound that grows on up from the ground, can you hear now in the here and now
Can you hear that the song of the Earth, she be singing in a cycle, in a circle
In a circle round with a sound that carries the ancient memory, constantly, gracefully
Calling us to heal now stewards are we, from the inner world to the world we see
Raising up our voice for unity"  lyrics by Murray Kyle of the song I shared yesterday are so relevant, not just to me but to humanity as a collective.

Having been initiated by an elder yesterday to the sacred fires of unity and prayer.
My quest is now to protect this knowledge.
Burn the fire daily for healing and protection of all, of humanity and of nature in the here and now.
A powerful ceremony of remembering and of acknowledgement of the path I walk.
Of using the ancient wisdom of the ancestors to assist the healing of the planet and to silently pave the way for others to remember that the ways the ancestors in all indigenous cultures throughout the world is important and the wisdom of these cultures will pave the way for a much needed balance for the planet.

As we sat with the sacred smoke bathing us in it's purity a family of kookaburras landed in a tree above us and sang, as their song rang out above us it was validation and a blessing infusing the ceremony with the blessings of those long gone who have called me to reconnect in this profound way.............

Humbled and in gratitude for my path in life leading me to the here and now......


William Kendall said...


Gemel said...

It was a dreamlike experience.