Thursday, March 23, 2023

What I Love...

What I love about the autumn here where I reside in western Australia is that it is a lot like the spring in the northern hemisphere. 
In the long hot dry summer months, all the plants go into a dormant mode, similar to the hibernation the northern hemisphere, although this is to survive relentless heat, not icy cold. 

As the cooler months creep slowly closer the plants are beginning to bloom. Grass begins to shoot again, and everything begins to grow,
Soon my garden will be an oasis of colour as more and more flowers begin to bloom. 
Birds return to the garden to feed and to nest and the buzz of the bees is a constant sound until once again summer is with us...



William Kendall said...

Terrific close ups!

Gemel said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Cool photos 🐝