Tuesday, March 28, 2023

A Little Stroll...

A little stroll was taken around a small park I passed on my travels, most of the plants and trees did look very dehydrated, some looking rather sick. 
No reticulation could be seen around the park, I find it disturbing that because a native park has been planted the need for water doesn't seem necessary. I noticed a kite overhead searching for prey, such spectacular birds yet too high for a really good look at it as it swiftly went out of view.
There were a couple of eucalyptus trees in bloom, the trees were so busy with insects and birds feeding. I do love the variety of colours that the species has, the yellow and pink are two of my favourites. 
Seed pods from a hakea tree and an acacia tree also captured my interest, as did bark patterns and the canopies... 



William Kendall said...

The vegetation is so different from what I'm used to.

Gemel said...

Things are very different here, down under.