Friday, March 24, 2023

This Tiny Church...

This tiny church caught my attention passing through the next town over from me which is a ten-minute drive away. 
Normally when I pass through Wooraloo at night which is why I had never really noticed this church, the other day I passed it during daylight hours.
I think it could possibly be one of the smallest churches I have encountered. I was also surprised it wasn't older, Wooraloo was established as a town in the early 1900s, the church being built in 1940. 
The name Wooraloo comes from a Noongar (local indigenous tribe) word that was first recorded in 1841, it was formerly known as Worrilow, which referred to certain pools along the Wooraloo brook...



William Kendall said...

A pretty church!

Gemel said...

It is quite delightful.