Sunday, November 14, 2021

All The Kangaroo Paws..........

All the kangaroo paws in the garden are in different stages of unfolding, out of the five plants only two were in the garden last year. The kangaroo paw is a unique Australian native, they come in a variety of colours as you can see with my very limited collection. 

They are velvety to the touch and flower from late spring and summer as they like the heat, some will even still be blooming in autumn. I have always loved the striking black and lime green kangaroo paw, they are apparently extremely rare and only grown here in Western Australia having one in the garden is very special.  The delicate white one known as the bush diamond is exquisite and such soft tones in the flowers compared to most other varieties of kangaroo paws. 
These plants can tolerate having flowers cut during the flowering season, it can actually promote a second wave of flowers, so occasionally I may have a small bouquet of them in the cottage. 

As always I am looking forward to seeing each plant in full flower and also taking note as to which birds and insects will be drawn to the nectar......



William Kendall said...

Quite pretty.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.