Sunday, November 14, 2021

Taking Up....

Taking up my perch in the sitting room for an hour or so to watch the birds feeding in the front garden. Many of the birds who frequent the front garden are rather tiny and often difficult to photograph, staying inside I have a better chance of capturing a good photo or two.

The first few photos are of a fledgling wattlebird. It's red wattles only just beginning to show on the side of its face. Quite a few new holland honeyeaters were flitting in and out, as were a few other honeyeaters who proved harder to snap a decent photo of. The chickens were all foraging about and a bronzewing headed to one of the gardens bird baths for an afternoon dip.

Such a tranquil way to spend a warm Sunday afternoon........



William Kendall said...

The birds are a delight.

Gemel said...

Thank you William.