Saturday, August 15, 2020

The First Morning.....

The first morning sitting undercover and not getting wet as I had my morning coffee felt so luxurious.
Even though the ground is uneven and still needs to be dug out and leveled before being paved, I was still able to enjoy this new relaxing space.
The chickens were rather funny as they came up to have a look at what had happened since they went to bed the night before.
Looks of confusion were on their little faces as they explored, they all walked around looking at all the furniture that had been moved from other areas around the cottage to be place undercover, I realised that I will have to discourage Brulee from hoping up on the lounger though, don't want her to think that fluffy cushions are a good spot for a perch.
I am hoping that the shade of the patio will now assist in helping the grass die off before we get to do the floor here, a jackhammer will be needed to take up the old concrete and the paving slabs will go elsewhere around the cottage, could it possibly be that after all these years of dreaming I will soon have a sand free space around the entire cottage. 
Oh yes it does!


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