Friday, August 21, 2020

Down By The Ocean....

Down by the ocean once again I did a wander around and found myself fascinated with the limestone formations, once these formations were under the water when Australia was connected to India before the seperation of the two continents many thousands of years ago.
Now they are forever out of the ocean they once were covered by, the elements slowly eroding them away.
The smaller rock pools I found too far from the sea to be filled with water from the ocean were filled with rain water. Others had miniature gardens of moss and clover.
Tiny little ecosystems in perfect harmony.
A bush with hibiscus type flowers drew my attention as the colour was so beautiful, after some research I found them to be tree mallows. 
In nature there is rarely a day I don't discover something new.
A lone raven sat to watch me for a while, while I in turn observed him, there was a nest in the tree I was under which I feel he was wishing to raid, thankfully me being there put him off and the chicks were safe and the parents much relieved when he flew off empty clawed.......



Sharon said...

Gorgeous views of the ocean and wonderful flower images. Those white flowers look like something we called "bridal wreaths". Growing up, we had one in our yard.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots!